News and Announcements

Dear users,

Our site is using Sun Java and the Let's Encrypt free SSL/TLS Certificates. To avoid Java security warnings, please, install all necessary Let’s Encrypt Authority certificates into Secure Site CA section of your local Java's keystore! To unblock our Java applets, please install our self-signed CA and our code-signed certificate into Trusted Certificates and Signer CA sections of your local Java's keystore!.

Dear users,

Trailing stops are working now, if you have any problems with it, just mail us to s u p p o r t @ s a z k y f o r e x . c o m. We have uploaded forex spot prices' history in Omega Research Prosuite's format, you can get it from our ftp site.

Dear users,

Our web site is under heavy construction right now, so we are sorry for any glitches and missing pages.
What is important, that our Forex Simulator is fully functional, apart from the "Help" page and some small details, which we should fix briefly.
So feel free to try it, just click "Sazky Game" button, complete registration details  and you are done!
Don't forget to write down your game account number and password.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards, management team